비스 (Bees)

The Bees were a notable band in the eight army bases. They were known for their outstanding performances which included them playing their instruments while lying down on the floor, and even not accepting the now-famous-singer Cho Yong Pil as their guitarist. The band unfortunately never released a full album, instead releasing 7 songs over the course of 3 various artists' albums. Although most of the songs follow the Korean pop style, some tracks stand out as showing their true colours, such as their covers of Sookie Sookie, Born to be Wild, and In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.

Release Date Album Art Album Title Label Catalogue Number Pressing Issues Ripped Status Other Artists
1971/05/30 Album Art '71 싼레모가요제 특선곡 Oskara Records ORP 1012 1st Pressing None Ripped Pearl Sisters