히식스 (He6)

Most of He5's members left the group in 1970 to go to America or join other groups. The only remaining members, lead guitarist Kim Hong Tak, and bassist Cho Yong Nam reformed as He6. At first the group dabbled in the 1970s pop genre with a mix of rock. Then the group made two albums that mirrored western progressive bands. This all lead to their last proper album in 1972, where they combined the pop and progressive elements to make one final record before Kim Hong Tak left for America. the band continued on until the 1980s with various member changes and even released a disco-inspired record in 1980, however it did poorly commercially.

Release Date Album Art Album Title Label Catalogue Number Pressing Issues Ripped Status
1970 Album Art Vol. 1 Grand Records GH-00009 1st Pressing None Ripped
1970 Album Art Vol. 1 Grand Records GH-00009 2nd Pressing None Ripped
1971 Album Art Vol. 2 Grand Records GH-00019 1st Pressing None Ripped
1980/10/10 Album Art 가을에 떠난 사람 Hyundai Records LA-043 2nd Pressing None Ripped